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Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Costume Jewelry!

Three cheers for a souvenir that can actually be utilized on a regular basis!  I found this ring at Old Tuscon and just had to have it.  I loved it so much I just had to share it!

As you can see, I took the picture over my (dreadful)  Macroeconomics textbook.  I did this because, once again, it's final's season, which accounts for my lack of posting, etc. on my blog.  I wish I had more time, but alas- I have a ton of studying to do, especially for the aforementioned economics.  It'll take everything I have to pull an A out of this class, but I'm really hopeful about it:)

Are you in the midst of finals as well? If so, good luck!

Until Next Time,


1 comment:

  1. its really amazing ring and its used earlier in 1930's such like rings and now days we use these type of jewelry named as costume jewelry


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